Saturday, 15 February 2014

Introduction about the Golden Number

Here, we're going to make a small introduction about the golden number and its history. The links you could find in this paragraph are linked with our articles about the golden number.

The golden number has been present through the ages, and through the world.
It appeared for the first time at the beginning of Antiquity, in Ancient Egypt. Indeed, we find it, for example, in the Cheops Pyramid.
We find it again in the Greek civilization. The Pythagoricians studied this number because of its frequent apparition in geometry, and we can find it in the well-known Parthenon.
Later, in the Middle-Age, Fibonacci talked about it in his sequence.
We also find it in art, in the 19th century, for example in the famous "Mona Lisa" and "The Birth of Venus". For painters, this is a sort of "number of art" : it operates without a conscious intervention of the artist. It's the number of perfect proportions.
It takes its name of "golden number" in 1932, with Matila Ghyka.

So, it was a small introduction about this legendary number which is the golden number, and about our work about it. Now, we're going to precise that !

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