Sunday, 16 February 2014

Welcome !

Welcome on our blog !
Here, we're going to speak about mathematics, architecture and harmony. You'll discover to what extent the use of mathematics enables harmony in architectures, specifically in English-speaking countries. We'll begin to talk about the golden number and its role in architecture, then we'll see that harmonious architectures, for example a geodesic dome, can be linked with mathematics.

Our work can be divided into two parts : 
  1. The Golden Number, or the main link between maths and architecture.
  2. The Geodesic Dome, or an other proof that mathematics enable harmony.
Before beginning, we must talk about harmony. What is it ? You can't read our blog if you don't agree with us on its meaning. For us, harmony is a kind of beauty. With beauty, there are two factors : the "viewer" and the object. With harmony, there is a third parameter, which allows the object to be more beautiful, hence the sentence : "It's in harmony with ...", with  "it" representing the object and "..." the third parameter. This can be the environment (in most cases), but also other things, as you'll see at the end of the blog.

We hope you'll discover much information, and you'll enjoy your reading !

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