Friday 7 February 2014

An other shape : the Duale

There is an other form of geodesic dome, called dual geodesic dome. This is the "second layer" of the Biosphere.

Its construction is the same as the regular geodesic dome, there is just an added step between the fifth and the sixth steps.

Then we have to determine on the sphere the centre of each spherical triangle.
For that, we trace the centreline of two sides of a triangle and repeat this step for all triangles.
If these points belong to adjacent faces of the regular geodesic dome, you have to join them two by two, creating the sides of the dual geodesic dome.
All these sides draw polygons :  these are the faces of the dual geodesic dome.
These faces are hexagons, except for twelve of them which are regular pentagons placed in front of the twelve vertices of the polyhedron used at the beginning.
Then, we apply the sixth step, deleting the construction lines, and we have finished.

Now it's your turn ! Create your own geodesic dome with this software.
To access it, click this link.

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